Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fight FOCA

FOCA is the Freedom of Choice Act; an Act that would sweep away all restrictions on abortions, all parental notification laws, all rights of hospitals and doctors to not perform abortions.

It is the duty of every Christian to resist the enactment of this brutal, vile piece of legislation.

Fight FOCA is a good place to start. Over 250,000 people have signed their petition so far.

This post from the "Between Two Worlds" blog shows a graph comparing the increase of abortions in Maryland (which passed its own version of FOCA in 1991) with the nationwide decline of abortions.

Americans United for Life's page on FOCA is another required read.

Never again can we doubt the impact of a President on the number of abortions. It turns out FOCA has been around for years - over a decade. Only with the election of a President that would sign the thing, has it become a major issue. Even Bill Clinton's public stance was to keep abortions "safe, legal, and rare". That is our President-Elect for you: even worse than Bill Clinton.

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