Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I meant to write about the President's ludicrous speech at Notre Dame, but Ann Coulter beat me to it.

I have been thinking how the baby killers like to portray themselves as the reasonable, tolerant people, and like to portray the pro-life crowd as humorless theocratic ideologues.

The following activities are fully endorsed by the pro-choice regime; when I say "fully endorsed" I mean the pro-choice regime will fiercely resist the slightest effort to place the slightest limit on any of these activities:

  • use a syringe to suck a baby's brain out of its skull
  • use a pair of pliers to crush a baby's skull
  • use a hacksaw to cut a baby's arms off
  • throw living babies in the trash; just imagine how dead babies are treated!
  • inject saline solution into the baby's sac, poisoning the baby; similar to how mean little boys kill garden slugs

Read about more ways to kill babies here. Planned Parenthood, NARAL, the Democratic Party, and the President of the United States support all of them!

Remember that it's the people that support these activities who are moral, tolerant, upright, and reasonable (at least, if you read the Washington Post). And remember it's the people who want to save, love, and treasure all babies who are intolerant, demonic, and bigoted; at least, if you listen to Fr. John Jenkins, the president of Notre Dame, a fine school that used to be Catholic.

How did this country end up like this? The U.S. gives equal weight to the life of a human child - and a garden slug.

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